Many ways to give:
You can give in person, via email, or by giving online using our online portal. The portal is run by Vanco Payment Solutions Payment Solutions. For those who are United Methodists who choose to donate instead through the Advance, we have links to those numbers as well.
In Person
During every worship there is an opportunity to respond to God’s love through tithes and offerings. One may also drop of checks in person to the community food pantry or to the church office, open every Wednesday from 10 to 2 p.m.
Online Giving

Willow United Methodist Church
Give online to support the ministries of Willow United Methodist Church (including salary support for the pastors) by using our online portal provided through Vanco Payment Solutions

Willow Community Food Pantry
Give online to support the work of Willow Community Food Pantry (including salary support for the director) by using the Vanco Payment Solutions link dedicated to the food pantry.
Advance Special Numbers
Willow UMC and the Food Pantry are also supported through the Advance Special Program of the United Methodist Church. If you would like to participate in the Advance, your congregation can either submit gifts through your conference treasurer, or by going directly to the Advance Site:
Willow United Methodist Church — #931511 (Holston Conference #874)
Willow Community Food Pantry — #931520 (Holston Conference #264)
When you partner with us in ministry, we will regularly keep you up to date through newsletters and e-mails about what is happening here, and any special projects as they arise. Gifts given through the Advance reach Willow in 3 or 4 months.
By Mail
Checks for either the food pantry or the church may be sent to:
Willow United Methodist
Box 182
Willow, Alaska, 99688
In either case they should be made out to Willow United Methodist Church and marked on the envelope or byline whether you prefer they go to support the Food Pantry or the Church.
In-Kind Giving
The food pantry also has several in kind giving projects one can participate in. We recommend using prepaid boxes to keep postage costs down. Every year we gather:
- School supplies
- Cloth shopping bags
- Toiletries
- New clothing for infants through adults
- Handmade scarves and hats
- Gift cards
Parcel Post Auction Boxes
One of our favorite mission endeavors is our parcel post auction held each March.
How it Works
Packages are sent from supporters around the country (and world).We ask the senders mail packages of fun quality items unique to your area.
Examples include:
- locally made arts and crafts
- pottery
- jams and jellies or unique food items
- things that represent your state, or teams, or town, your part of the world.
Mail packages to:
The Willow Community Food Pantry
c/o Ola Williams, Willow United Methodist Church
PO Box 182
Willow, Alaska, 99688.