Our Staff​

Ola Williams

Ola Williams is the Director of the Willow Community Food Pantry. Ola has been a volunteer with the Food Pantry since its beginning and chaired the Outreach team when the pantry was begun. When Deaconess Fran Lynch retired in early 2017, Ola became the director. As well as serving at the Food Pantry, Ola is well known and has received many awards for her work with the Girl Scouts of America.  Ola may be reached at 907-414-7555 or willowfoodpantry@gmail.com

John Redmond

Rev. Redmond is the pastor of Willow United Methodist Church. He previously served as missions director at Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church before being appointed the summer of 2024 as pastor at Willow United Methodist Church. He may be reached by phone at (423) 557-5521 or by email at johnredmond712@gmail.com.

Pastor John Redmond at Willow United Methodist Church

God loves us no matter who we are, or what we have done, and God is not through with any of us yet!

No matter who you are there is a place for you at Willow United Methodist Church; a place to belong, a place to become, and a place to make a difference. Here you will find warm and supportive people who know firsthand the struggles and joys of living. We understand that each person journeys a unique path with God. We trust that each person is his or her own expert on that journey. Therefore, instead of teaching a new set of rules for people to follow, we offer to walk alongside as together we discover the new creation God yearns for us to be.

We believe that Jesus’ self-giving love reveals God’s heart. We believe that his self-giving Love is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all who are called into relationship with Jesus. Our Sunday School (9:45 AM) and our Sunday Worship (11:00 AM) help people experience the wonderful, freeing grace of Jesus Christ, and then live in his love as growing and giving followers and disciples.

You will be loved and challenged here. As followers and disciples of Jesus we expect to serve the community where we live. As Jesus works to breakdown the walls that divide people one from another, we strive to confront the walls dividing us, whether they be economic, race, class, education, gender, or anything else. We do not expect a perfect world, but we do know that Jesus accompanies us as we together do our best to make it a more just one.

If you are looking for a community of Jesus that will love you and hold you dear—as well as make a difference in your community—we invite you to join us here at Willow United Methodist Church. No matter who you are, you are welcome.

– Joe-d and Christina DowlingSoka, previous Willow UMC Pastors

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